Friday, February 19, 2010
Obama, commencement speaker
posted at 8:53 AM | Permalink |
Imagine. Wouldn't that be something to remember?! According to a CNN news report, the White House is accepting suggestions for high schools that are working toward Obama's educational goals as indicated in this statement:
Public schools that encourage systemic reform and embrace effective approaches to teaching and learning help prepare America's students to graduate ready for college and a career, and enable them to out-compete any worker, anywhere on the world. . . . This is your opportunity to show me why your school exemplifies the best that our education system has to offer.
Applications are due by the Ides of March and public voting will narrow the field to three, from which the White House and the Education Department will choose the winner. Awesome idea except that schools can't very well be demonstrating effective systemic reform in only the year since Obama took office so it will partly be based on previous performance. And since far too many schools do not do well at creative out-of-the-box learning or developing and encouraging individual strengths and talents, it will be fascinating to see which schools are mentioned, let alone which ones are finalists and which one wins.

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